
Like Warm Plastic

Created by Publishing Goblin, LLC

A new poetry collection from Seven Dane Asmund, featuring work exploring the space left after a sibling dies, when you abandon yourself to find love, make that lucky connection, and lose it once more. A collection on loss and building yourself back up.

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As It Was Foretold... | We Funded, of course! : P
about 1 month ago – Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 04:35:36 PM

Hello my dear friends,

Thank you for joining me for some poetry goodness! Now that we're solidly over the goal of $1500, I can say without a doubt that we will be seeing a print run of this book this year! And that's amazing.

Thank you for believing in poetry-- it's a weird thing that can be hard to get into the world. So it's thanks to you that it can exist at all. THANK YOU!

While I'm still working on some elements of the book (and the back cover illustrations are still on their way to me), it's pretty much about ready for printing. Which means this will be a quick turnaround project, shipping yet this year once I get the books made and popped overseas to me. Should make for a nice holiday present! 

Now our next goal, if we can make it, is $2500! If we can make it there, I will be commissioning a new cover piece for my Master's thesis poem, While Opening the Wound, and re-leasing that with its companion poem in its pages on black paper with green text, as intended. It will become an add-on on this project, as we'll also fun the printing of a small run of that book as well.

Congrats us on a solid first 7 hours, and here's to hoping the remaining days will find us at that next goal, friends!

your pub gob